The Worldwide Drone Software Industry is Projected to Reach $14.9 Billion by 2030: Rapidly Expanding Applications of Drones in Commercial and Military Sectors Drives Growth – Yahoo Finance

기사내용보기 >> The Worldwide Drone Software Industry is Projected to Reach $14.9 Billion by 2030: Rapidly Expanding Applications of Drones in Commercial and Military Sectors Drives Growth  Yahoo Finance [드론 관련 기사 보기]

Worldwide Drone Analytics Industry to 2030 – High Utilization of Drones for Monitoring Movement of Individuals is Driving Growth – PRNewswire

기사내용보기 >> Worldwide Drone Analytics Industry to 2030 – High Utilization of Drones for Monitoring Movement of Individuals is Driving Growth  PRNewswire [드론 관련 기사 보기]