Hezbollah terrorists send a message through drone footage of Haifa area – The Jerusalem Post

기사내용보기 >> Hezbollah terrorists send a message through drone footage of Haifa area  The Jerusalem PostHezbollah drone footage claims to show surveillance over Israel  Al Jazeera EnglishHezbollah drones threaten to bypass Israel Iron Dome missile defense – The Washington Post  The Washington Post [드론 관련 기사 보기]

Iran says it has developed drone ‘designed to hit Israel’s Tel Aviv, Haifa,’ Mehr News reports – Reuters

기사내용보기 >> Iran says it has developed drone ‘designed to hit Israel’s Tel Aviv, Haifa,’ Mehr News reports  ReutersCan Iran’s new drone really reach Tel Aviv? – analysis  The Jerusalem PostIran develops drone capable of striking Israeli cities: commander  XinhuaIran says it has developed Arash-2 drone designed to hit Israel’s Tel Aviv, Haifa  Al Arabiya EnglishIran unveils new drone…